• sai@sathyasaiindore.com
  • 0731-2553023



Educare has two aspects, the worldly and the spiritual. Worldly education brings out the latent knowledge pertaining to the physical world. Spiritual education brings out the inherent divinity in man. So, both worldly and spiritual education are essential, without which the human life has no value.”

- Sri Sathya Sai Baba

The school’s motto itself - Satyam Vada: Always speak the truth, Dharmam Chara: Follow the path of righteous conduct, highlights the school’s commitment towards cultivating a sense of compassion and sensitivity towards one and all by following the righteous path.

The guiding principles of the term Sathya Sai Educare in context of education are:

  • Divinity permeates in the entire universe and all creation is scared.
  • Divinity is love and it is manifested as the universal human values.
  • The purpose of education is for living a fully human and spiritual life; Sathya Sai Educare enables students to realize their spiritual heritage.
  • The end of education is character and character manifests itself as the unity of thought, word and deed.


“Whoever tries to understand the Human Values of Truth, Righteous conduct, Peace, Love and Non-violence properly, who practice these values and propagate them with zeal and sincerity can alone be described as a truly educated person.”

- Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Education in Human Values, which is our strongest prowess, supplements secular education by addition of spiritual inputs. Children are encouraged to understand and imbibe the 5 fundamental human values of Love, Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Non-Violence. To demonstrate and explain the 5 values, we use and implement the 5 techniques of prayers and positive thinking, silent sitting and meditation, devotional group singing, story-telling and group activities during a specific session earmarked for this purpose.
We also ensure that we integrate the fundamental values with all curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. Our focus is on creating an environment that helps students to inculcate the human values in their daily routine and chores as against merely possessing a superficial knowledge of these values.
In addition to the daily academic sessions, we have come up with the following practices to be followed by students to come in touch with their spiritual self and to reinforce their value systems:

  • Guided visualization and Jyoti meditation are a weekly practice for students both, in Bal Mandir, as well as the senior school.
  • Group singing is also another weekly practice that is encouraged in the form of bhajans and devotional songs, where all students sing together the glory of the almighty.
  • A residential spiritual camp is organized every year to impart students the knowledge of the rich Indian culture and spirituality, an in-depth understanding of different religions followed in India, teachings of celebrated Indian scholars and the true meaning of patriotism. We encourage all students to attend this camp at least once in their time at Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar. Considering the receptivity and understanding of the students of grade X, we have made it mandatory for grade X to attend this camp.
  • To sensitize students towards all sections of the society and to make them understand the difference between being empathetic and sympathetic, we also organize community service projects for students periodically by arranging visits to institutions such as blind schools, schools for deaf and dumb, old age homes etc.
  • Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar has also organized and sponsored 4 free Heart Camps in Indore for patients who are below poverty line under the aegis of Sri Sathya Sai Heart Hospital, Rajkot.
  • Our efforts to make Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar a spiritually strong educational institution is not restricted to organizing activities just for students, but for our teachers and staff too. With this inclusive approach and our gesture towards Sai Seva, the teachers also give voluntary services.

It is imperative that the values that are imparted at the school, are reinforced by the family and social environment too. It goes without saying that parents have a crucial role to play in facilitating the same. Our aim is for our students to receive the best of both worlds and become role models for their generation, by implementing the values taught at both, home and school